
Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Deadly Ducks

It was the forth of July and I was six or seven years old. It is hard to remember the exact age but I know it was close to there. Anyways... Where I live every fourth of July we have a firework presentation and everyone sits up on a giant hill. There are probably seven or eight hundred people that go to it. Well I used to go there with my uncle because my parents always went to an all adult party and left us with him.

Before I can properly tell this story I should tell you a little bit about my uncle. He was the type of guy that loved kids but never had any himself. He always played airplane (picking us up by one arm and one leg and spinning us in circles) with us and one time accidentally through my older brother directly into the sandbox. Another time we were playing helicopter (one of us sitting in a spinning chair and him spinning it extremely fast) and I flew off into a chair and had to get stitches in my head...

I love my uncle but he wasn't the most reliable person. Anyways back to the story. We hit some major trafic on the way to the hill so we were stuck sittings at the very bottom by the river. The year before we saw a kid roll all the way down the hill and fall into the river. The winter before we heard stories of a kid try and sled down the same hill and broke through the ice into the river. I love how I can remember more bad things than good.. This was not a good river.

So we sat there waiting for the fireworks and we saw some cute ducks in the water. One of my brothers or maybe it was my uncle threw rocks at the ducks. The momma duck started honking or whatever the sound they make is when they are angry. It isn't a quack when they are mad. Directly after the rock hit the duck and it starting honking the first fireworks started going off and the duck just lost it. That duck was going to protect its babies! It must of thought that the fireworks were gun shots and we were shooting at them.

Me being the unlucky one was the main target of the furry. The duck flew out of the water and went right for me. It smashed into my chest and I started screaming and crying. No one could hear me however because of the extremely loud fireworks still provoking the ducks! My uncle and two brothers were looking straight up at the fireworks while I was being mauled by a damn duck!  I managed to throw it off me for just enough time to hit my uncle. He looked at me and saw blood all over my face and cuts on my throat and then saw the duck flopping around coming back in my direction. He picked me up and grabbed my brothers and he ran and ran and ran. I don't know how long the duck chased us but he didn't stop until we were all in the car.

Afterwards I had to go to the hospital and get a bunch of long needles jabbed into me and tell the cops what caused the wounds. I couldn't do it... I couldn't be the death of that duck. It had babies and if I were in its shoes I would of attacked me to. But I think my uncle told them and the duck was probably killed along with 9 or 10 other ducks that may of been the one that attacked me...

picture from pixabay

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Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

owww...they are so lovely!!!!!

your blog is super cute!!!!

Anjani said... Reply To This Comment

Wow, riverside fireworks, the accoustics must have been awesome! I love how sound travels on water. I'm not a big fan of fireworks though, probably because I have cats and the noise terrifies them.

Talk about feathered fury! Like I said about the swans, ducks, too, are vicious! I'm glad you made it out alive! Pity if they were killed!

With regards to your kind comment, thank you so much! I had a strict English teacher in high school, so proper grammar and good vocabulary were drummed into me! I do have days though, were I start gibbering absolute talkish! Coffee helps! :)

psychology-knowledge said... Reply To This Comment

This story is both scary and sad. It`s cool how you can reasonably undestand why the duck acted the way it did, althoug you were the victim. So cool, mate.

Fitizen said... Reply To This Comment


CiCi said... Reply To This Comment

The story is great except for the ending. Poor ducks.

CWMartin said... Reply To This Comment

Yeesh, dude! Realize you were a kid, but were it me the first needle I got meant I'd have asked the cops if they could make a down pillow for me out of the stupid thing!

Baur said... Reply To This Comment

If you have ever come across black swans they are viscous! One chased me away lol they are huge.

Chris said... Reply To This Comment

amazing story, good work!

Teddi said... Reply To This Comment

that story sucks, & not because of you. i mean you got hurt & the duck died? maybe it should be titled killed ducks. boo to whoever threw the rocks, & no consequences for that person? so much for life being fair. would you rather be attacked by a duck, or fall into the river? how about neither? rock on!

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Sad. :/

Kompot said... Reply To This Comment

When I was kid, i was attacked by chickens :(

flyergirl13 said... Reply To This Comment

When I was eight I got attacked by wild turkeys in my yard...traumatized for life.

Cranface said... Reply To This Comment

What's worse than witnessing an overly aggressive duck is witnessing first hand their mating habits.

That shit is not cool.

Astra said... Reply To This Comment

RIP ducks

NayNaySIXX said... Reply To This Comment

Bless em :(

Melodie said... Reply To This Comment

I believe you.We have ducks..I have been hit in the face several times by some sort of flying- karate-angry-momma-duck-kick myself!

Alex Rowe said... Reply To This Comment

Man, I was attacked by chickens too when I was younger. Anyway, who would've known that ducks could be such punks?

BragonDorn said... Reply To This Comment

@Lupu Thanks :)

@Jéanne Yah, I don't have the best of grammar but I try not to misspell to much.

@Kristjan It really is.

@Fitizen Very

@CiCi I still love ducks it's sad that they killed all the ducks in a 5 mile radius.. Sad Sad Story...

@CWMartin Oh boy do I hate needles.

@Baur Scary indeed

@Chris It isn't that amazing....

BragonDorn said... Reply To This Comment

@Teddi It is ridiculous because ducks don't even carry disease. Well at least any disease that can hurt humans...

@My 2 Pesos I agree

@Kompot @flyergirl13 You should do a piece about it. I would love to hear it! :)

@Cranface totally uncool

@Astra My uncle was pissed. I really do like ducks.

@NayNay Rest In Piece little duckies

@Melodie Ducks can kick some major ass!

@Alex She was just protecting her babies. I was lucky the daddy duck wasn't there.

CodingAndHacking said... Reply To This Comment

Fireworks are fun, but meh, they are starting to become boring.
Btw those ducks are cute :P.

Pat Hatt said... Reply To This Comment

I'll never look at a duck the same way again. Have to keep my cat handy..haha

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

but ducks are so cute....

nerima roberts said... Reply To This Comment

I've heard of aggressive geese, but not ducks!

Lynn said... Reply To This Comment

Oh my - that is so traumatic for you. Sounds like a great uncle.

T. Roger Thomas said... Reply To This Comment

That uncle of yours sounds like someone who should not be around children.

annoymouse said... Reply To This Comment

Thats sad.. Poor duckies. I've been chased by angry momma chickens!

Emily Genther said... Reply To This Comment

It's my first time stopping by your blog and I just have to say I love the pearquins.

BragonDorn said... Reply To This Comment

@Coding Fireworks the shit when I was little but your right. After time they get boring.

@Pat Haha! My cat used to chase anything that moved. Crazy Kitty!

@Bones I have no arguement

@Nerima Same here...

@Lynn He is like the coolest guy ever :P

@Roger Meh... probably true but its like whatever. :)

@Kilsr I'm the only incident I know of.

@Mouse Chickens are crazy!

@Emily Thanks :) I thought it was silly.

Tina said... Reply To This Comment

Oh wow. I think we're going to be friends. In our small, Front Range (as in CO, just at the edge of the foothills to the Rockies) town, a serious crime was committed in the last week. Some stupid ass teenagers herded some ducks from a park into the street. Then one of them drove his parents SUV into them. Sick and wrong. The fourth duck died this morning.
Ok, done with ducks. I'm very glad to meet you and I'm excited to have you as a follower. Looking forward to reading more of you. Welcome aboard the A-Z crazy train!
Tina @ Life is Good

Heaven. said... Reply To This Comment

I've been waiting for this story but it's so much more sad that I imagined :(

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I love the story. Thanks for the follow.

Cloudia said... Reply To This Comment

you got ducked!

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Anjani said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you for adding me to your blog list! ;)

Shaw said... Reply To This Comment

never knew ducks could be so dangerous!

Mikimoto Angel said... Reply To This Comment

Hello, thanks for following my blog. I'm also a follower. Nice blog by the way. I enjoyed reading this post. :-)

Much love from Mystic Nymph.

hipster.brah said... Reply To This Comment


Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Despite the unfortunate scenarios for all concerned, this story amused me.. I will be checking back!

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment


Alucard0691 said... Reply To This Comment

Wow that's so sad.

Dylanthulhu said... Reply To This Comment

Poor ducks. :(

Content Hedgehog said... Reply To This Comment

But... ducks are so cute...

Dave King said... Reply To This Comment

Wow, that was a bit of a scary ride. Like being at the fun fair. Some was fun, some slightly darker than expected. All very accomplished. A great read.

Mike said... Reply To This Comment

Man poor ducks, I remember being attacked by a goose when I was young. It hurt too!

Zap McBlowfist said... Reply To This Comment

Haha Smashing read my old chum!!!!

Jacqueline Howett said... Reply To This Comment

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed reading your duck story.

All the best to you in 2012.

sonnema said... Reply To This Comment

cute cute

[[AguiLeons]] said... Reply To This Comment

sad to hear that

Al Penwasser said... Reply To This Comment

Wow, what a quack-up.
I heard that, when the doctors sent that duck your bill, she replied she already had one.
How does a pillow-maker get down from a duck?
Jump off its back.
Okay, I'm done.
Thanks. I'm here 'til Thursday. Don't forget your waiters and waitresses.

See? Even though you were bleeding, you knew it would be a funny story one day.

jabblog said... Reply To This Comment

Aww, poor duck - poor you!

zikyo said... Reply To This Comment

Angry ducks :)
Nice blog dude +follow

None said... Reply To This Comment

We had a duck pond by us and my boys got bit by geese, I got chased by ducks when I ran out of bread - so while it's sad - those things can be so vicious! I think you showed great compassion!

Thanks for following me!

J-Tony said... Reply To This Comment

Oh well, Duck it....

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Yep, Uncle Disaster, every family has one.

professional failure said... Reply To This Comment

That is really sad, but, that's evidence for showing that even animals care for their kids.

Chiz said... Reply To This Comment

Ah, that sucks for the ducks. But hey, that's natural selection for you... I think.

THINGS YOU'D NEVER GUESS ABOUT ME said... Reply To This Comment

Well, being an animal lover, I would have been helping the duck kill your uncle.

Dee said... Reply To This Comment

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I've never before read your blog and the story today was poignant for any animal lover and for anyone who loves children too. The duck was doing only what nature called for--protecting its young. But you were young and you needed protection also. If only your uncle hadn't provoked this by throwing the rocks at the duck. It's those unthinking things we do so often that lead to sorrow. By the way--you write well.


Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

They didn't really kill the ducks, did they? Tell me it ain't SO!!

Oh yeah, and just so I don't seem insensitive, I'm glad you made it out alive!!

Full-On-Forward said... Reply To This Comment

Great Post----Oh, & a little Orange sauce goes a long way!


Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment


PKB said... Reply To This Comment

What a poignant story. . .I hope that the ducks were spared.

Skinny Moonstick said... Reply To This Comment

I am sorry you got attacked by a duck as a little child. And I feel also bad about the ducks because they just have an instinct to protect their babies... aw, so sad... But glad you're ok :) your uncle sounds like a much fun to hang out with too :/
Good luck!

Astra said... Reply To This Comment

often things that scare us as children become life long fears if not addressed

JacobMayhem said... Reply To This Comment

Oh wow. D: Sorry to hear that! But I bet it's a funny story now? Maybe?

Shannon Lawrence said... Reply To This Comment

Aw, poor ducks. But at least you tried to protect them. Sounds like that duck did some real damage! That must have been freaky for a little boy to deal with. My brother got chased by swans, but they weren't able to get him, luckily.

Lord Phrozen said... Reply To This Comment

Ducks are evil I tell you! Don't be fooled by their innocent looks, they are predators that would eat you alive! It didn't try to protect itself, it tried to eat you because you're were harmless.

This is the reason why I always carry a knife around when I go to places with ducks. I hate ducks!!

Empty Nest Insider said... Reply To This Comment

Wow that must've been pretty frightening! Thank goodness your uncle finally got you, and your brothers out of there. It's nice that you still defended that dastardly duck after she plucked you over. Thanks for following me, and I look forward to reading more adventures. Julie

Joop Zand said... Reply To This Comment

So cute these little ones.

Greetings, Joop

JOutlaw said... Reply To This Comment

That is somewhat gutwrenching and horrible! I hope you were ok and not too traumatized, but at the same time, the poor wee ducklings!

Stormylol said... Reply To This Comment

I enjoyed read this. Pretty mad haha ;p Visit my blog.

The Observer said... Reply To This Comment

why all the ducks?

Poke The Rock said... Reply To This Comment

Awh no!!! Poor ducks, well and you...but poor ducks. But that's why I don't trust them swans, ducks, geese...only if they are on my plate..wait can you eat swan? (got bitten by a swan once)

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Wow, I think throwing rocks in the first place was a very bad idea. Good thing you're still alive though.

yop said... Reply To This Comment

Never heard something like that. Kind of Epic.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I was attacked by a swan when I was five or six. Still hate the damn things.

Lisa Gordon said... Reply To This Comment

How precious these little ones are!

cleemckenzie said... Reply To This Comment

What a tragi-comedy that was.

jerzey72 said... Reply To This Comment

love the ducks yay

ds said... Reply To This Comment

Sad. Well-told, but sad.

Rau said... Reply To This Comment

They actually killed the ducks? That's some pretty harsh measures :/

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