
Monday, January 16, 2012

My Insane Weekend

Sorry for not posting Saturday and so late today but I had one crazy weekend... Friday night after I posted me and a few buddies went out to the bar and crashed on one of my buds couch around 10. I am not a big drinker but last week was the worst week in years.. 

We woke up the next day and almost immediately started drinking again and Mark had the grand idea of going sledding. We were all still a bit hung over so we called up Mikes little brother to drive us out to the giant hill in our buddies property that he allows for public use in the winter. There weren't many people out yet so we decided to try and surf down the hill on our sleds. Keep in mind that none of us make good decisions when we are hung over. 

My good friend Steve went first and went straight down the hill screaming like a little girl followed by the rest of our group of exceptional individuals. Our group consisted mainly of suit wearing business people that haven't even been outdoors since they were in their teens. We decided to try and go down the other side of the hill that was steeper but there was one lone tree at the bottom of the hill... We all decided that there wasn't a way in hell that we could hit it. About 3 coolers and 10 sled rides later we wanted to do something crazy. So my good friend Matt grabbed his kids blow up pool out of the back of his truck and started pumping air into it. We all started taking our seats inside of the blow up pool and downing the beers we had open. 

We decided at the very beginning of our day that there would be no video tapes or pictures and I really wish we would of filmed this. Once we all were piled into the pool we slowly started running and smashing into the sides of the pool to get it moving. Once it started sliding down the hill Phil realized that we were directly lined up with the tree. We couldn't see the pool before because the walls were so high but once we were heading downhill things became quite clear very quickly. We all tried to abandon ship but every time anyone tried to get up they fell back down because they were so drunk. We all seemed to realize at once how screwed we really were. Everyone was screaming by this point and Mark was even trying to pop the pool with his teeth to escape. As we smashed into the tree at full speed about 3 people flew out of the pool and went about 20 feet ahead into the shallow snow. Everyone else smashed into the side of the pool and I was on the second layer.

Marks little brother loaded us all into the back of his van and brought us all to the hospital. I stayed for one night and fractured my knee and two fingers. So I'm sorry if some of this is spelled atrociously... No one was seriously injured though. The worst anyone had was a broken arm and he was one of the guys who launched twenty feet. Thanks for reading and remember to never drink and sled or sled with inflatable pools. Both those things are bad.

This picture is not the hill but close. from pixabay

I am not supposed to use my fingers that much so I may not post much this week. Also wooo!!!! 300 followers! :)

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Ruth said... Reply To This Comment

That's hilarious!
I'm glad you are OK.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Holy crap! I'll take that advice about drinking and sledding to heart! I hope you heal quickly...

psychology-knowledge said... Reply To This Comment

Fun story, mate. I`m glad that nobody didn`t get seriously injured.

professional failure said... Reply To This Comment

Ah, what alcohol can do...

kaykuala said... Reply To This Comment

Obviously sledding can be just as fun and dangerous. Careful though Dude!


Cloudia said... Reply To This Comment

heal- larious!

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Teddi said... Reply To This Comment

is this a funny story or a tragedy?

BragonDorn said... Reply To This Comment

I would say funny story but some of the other guys would say tragedy.. I was laughing like a mad man like the entire day :P@Teddi

speakers4u said... Reply To This Comment

Weird Funny News

Congrats on 300!

T. Roger Thomas said... Reply To This Comment

The mental image I got of Mark trying to bite the pool to deflate it is hilarious. Too bad about you guys actually getting hurt. Hope you all heal up quickly.

msmariah said... Reply To This Comment

This makes me miss snow. I used to live in the midwest. Sorry you guys got hurt!

Anjani said... Reply To This Comment

I'm awfully sorry to hear that you all got so banged up, but this story is HILARIOUS!!! Move over, Jackass! You guys should make a "Bragon Boys" movie! Boys will be boys, eh?! Hope the hangover wasn't too bad and that you make a full recovery soon! :)

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I'm sorry you had a bad week and that you got injured. This is a funny story, though. Maybe it'll end up in a book.

DWei said... Reply To This Comment

Congrats on your follower milestone, keep it up. :)

The Angry Lurker said... Reply To This Comment

Congrats and good advice, I use the same advice with drinking and painting.....

Rau said... Reply To This Comment

Haha nice one

gewrge wackinger said... Reply To This Comment

I really love booze and taking it to the limit, although you guys are giving new meaning to it!! (sorry for you guys getting hurt, next time wear some hockey pads XDDDDD)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

You should have gotten photos. Men in business suits hurtling drunkenly down a hill would have been priceless.

Beau Thompson said... Reply To This Comment

Wow dude. Epic story.

Pat Hatt said... Reply To This Comment

Wow I will never going sledding drunk after hearing that..haha. Sledding can be dangerous indeed.

NayNaySIXX said... Reply To This Comment

Defo insane!

Zap McBlowfist said... Reply To This Comment

haha agreeed why dont us men ever take cameras eh ...

Full-On-Forward said... Reply To This Comment

OMG--almost a Southern--"Hey ya'll, watch this1", which invariably leads to an Urgent Care visit! (I love working there for these stories--and since I'm no longer working there- YOU GAVE ME MY FIX!!!!!!! Great great adventure, and I pray you heal quickly!


flyergirl13 said... Reply To This Comment

Haha this was kind of hilarious

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Ahahaha so cool!! :P Also following! ;)

Cranky and Difficult said... Reply To This Comment

That is an amazing story. I'm glad you're (more or less)ok, and I'm sure your major regret is that no one had a camera to catch that trip down hill, you'd be a Youtube God!

Friko said... Reply To This Comment

This is a very funny story, in spite of the outcome. I can just picture it . . . . .

Sorry, I've not returned your visits to my poetry blog; that blog doesn't react to followers and comments. Come over to Friko's World and I shall know when you've called.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I've messed up my knee before. I feel you, brother.

Pinecone Stew said... Reply To This Comment

That does NOT look like a little hill.

Just sayin'.

G said... Reply To This Comment

ouch... at least the injury came with a great story

Heaven. said... Reply To This Comment

Holy crap.

Jayanthy Kumaran said... Reply To This Comment

oooh...sledding without proper care may turn dangerous too
Tasty Appetite

MadTingz said... Reply To This Comment

i love those kinda nights dude! now following, check my page

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Oh, alcohol...

Xavier said... Reply To This Comment

Very good, that's quite the weekend indeed. :)

Alex Rowe said... Reply To This Comment

Ouch. At least you had beer to numb the pain though, right?

TheGreyStash said... Reply To This Comment

hope you feel better

DAILYES said... Reply To This Comment

I was wondering why the late update.
Oh well =P

BragonDorn said... Reply To This Comment

@Alex Rowe Nope they don't allow it in the hospitals. It would of been so much cheaper than the drugs they give you...

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment


Shaw said... Reply To This Comment

I make great decisions while hung over

Astra said... Reply To This Comment

Glad you are okay now.

Empty Nest Insider said... Reply To This Comment

Sorry you got injured, but thank goodness you're on the mend! Now you'll never forget this adventure, and you'll have your 300 followers to remind you! Julie

Alucard0691 said... Reply To This Comment

Sounds like a fun weekend haha

Brian Miller said... Reply To This Comment

omg that is awesome and hilarious...smiles. that sounds like something crazy we would have done...

JOutlaw said... Reply To This Comment

That sounds pretty awesome! If nothing else, it makes for one hell of a story to tell your kids about if you ended up with any scars.

Lord Phrozen said... Reply To This Comment

300 followers? Wow! congratulations.

Lisa Gordon said... Reply To This Comment

Glad you are okay now.

Jaclyn said... Reply To This Comment

That is the single most epic story I've ever heard (& I NEVER use the word epic lol). I'm glad you're all ok, but sledding down a hill in a kiddie pool??? That's great!! hahaha

LL Cool Joe said... Reply To This Comment

Ouch, sounds like fun though. ;)

Baur said... Reply To This Comment

Congrats@300 followers!

Misha Gerrick said... Reply To This Comment

Lol sorry to hear about your pain, but the way you got into you condition is hilarious.

Congrats on the 300 and I hope you get better soon. :-)

Nuker Zero said... Reply To This Comment

But now you have a kickass story to show for it, right?


Al Penwasser said... Reply To This Comment

Drinking? Sledding down an icy hill toward a tree?
Shoot! What could possibly go wrong?
Jack Daniels-Number One Reason Why I Found Myself Upside-Down in a North Carolina Ditch.
Good times, good times.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Sounds good bro :D

penny said... Reply To This Comment

I wish you you a speedy recovery. Another life lesson learned!

JJ said... Reply To This Comment

sounds like quite a stunt!

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

sounds like fun :)

Bloggerage said... Reply To This Comment

Ahaahah sounds like an epic day xD

Kelly said... Reply To This Comment

Hilarious story. Reminds me of the shit my friends and I used to do in our twenties. Now that we are in our mid to late forties, it would be a miracle if we could blow up a kiddie pool or climb up a snowy hill before even starting a merry ride on the snow. It sounds like y'all had some bone-crunching, drunken fun. Next time you guys plan on hurting yourselves, though, please have someone film your insane antics so we can enjoy the video and make fun of all of you. I love it when people hurt themselves for my entertainment.

Content Hedgehog said... Reply To This Comment

Oh man, that does sound pretty crazy.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Well you're week end sounds much more fun than mine was! Get feeling better soon.

Otter said... Reply To This Comment

sounds like an episode of Jackass, lol.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

And this, THIS, is why I'm staying home when Rob meets up with his high school buddies. (I just hope he can work the camera!)

wolvz said... Reply To This Comment

ahaha, what a cool story! it was a crazy weekend indeed. :D

Libby said... Reply To This Comment

No Crap, that's the best drunk/hung over sledding story I've ever heard.

sundersartwork said... Reply To This Comment

Drinking and sledding lol.
That is a dangerous combination, still you only live once.

Al Penwasser said... Reply To This Comment

Supposed to snow this weekend. I know what I won't be doing.
There will be drinking, though.

Dreadnaught said... Reply To This Comment

Wish it snowed here. Living in a desert sucks sometimes

Teeeha said... Reply To This Comment

Congrats on 300!!

Leon Kennedy said... Reply To This Comment

all drink and all play make jack have an awesome time

Cross said... Reply To This Comment

Super cool blog, Followed!

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Oh man, so sorry you ate it! I can't even get out of bed when I'm hungover, so I applaud you :)

Mabel Time

DWei said... Reply To This Comment

Man, your weekends sounds a lot more exciting than mine.

Also, congrats on the milestone!

Generally Disgruntled said... Reply To This Comment

Ah, drunken mistakes. At least you didn't start a fight club outside a bar and have the police break it up...

Shockgrubz said... Reply To This Comment

Heal up and get much needed rest. Your misfortune has value in teaching me what not to do. Thank you for that experience, sans injuries.

MRanthrope said... Reply To This Comment

wow, glad u survived in one piece. i'm typing all retarded too with one hand...sprained wrist at a concert. ha. oh what wonderful choices we make

zabuzar said... Reply To This Comment

cool weekend bro.
needs more dragons and stuff :P

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

:D I love this,sounds like a brilliant weekend!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog,for the follow and the sweet comment.

and Of course Im following you too,hope you have a lovely and adventurous weekend :D x

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

All I can say, that seems great fun. I wish it snows here.

anthony stemke said... Reply To This Comment

Great story, glad you are all right dude. I don't have a pool in the back of my pickup so I guess I'm ok. Oh, I took the cure in '89 so would have to sled sober.

M Pax said... Reply To This Comment

Ouch. But I couldn't help but laugh at one of your friends trying to deflate the pool with his teeth. Drinking and snow sports really don't go together. At least, they usually end badly.

Baur said... Reply To This Comment

Nice 300! Sounds like an awesome weekend!

Mark Koopmans said... Reply To This Comment


As an Irishman living in Hawaii, I've got a few don't try this at home stories, but this was a classic! Glad to hear everyone's relatively OK, and you have a new follower.... Cheers :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Damn, bro. That's pretty crazy.

Foxzero said... Reply To This Comment

sush a weekend eh? XD hahaha insane

Pat Tillett said... Reply To This Comment

Wow! You guys will be talking about this for years!

Games All Day said... Reply To This Comment

Hope you heal quickly!

alaynemarie said... Reply To This Comment

ahhh, you should've abandoned ship! Next time, you'll have all of this great advice to learn from!

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