
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This Is Bolsheviks!

First off If anyone can explain to me why terrible things keep happening to me please do because I am about to start running around my house and hitting things with a bat :\/ :/\ :\/

So apparently my well water is unusable anymore... I woke up, got dressed and went downstairs to make some coffee like any other morning but the water coming out of my faucet had a strange brown tint to it. At first I thought that I didn't rinse out the pot from yesterday and the color was coming from that. So I spilled out the water and started filling it up again to spill into the coffee machine and again the water was brown. I turned my faucet on and let it run for ten minutes and the color just kept getting darker and darker. At the moment my water is a really dark brown color... 

I don't know what turned my well water this color but I am starting to get really pissed off. I have been making calls all day but I can't get a straight answer from anyone. Some guys have said my well has gone bad and others have told me that a oil company moved in up the street. Regardless of the answer I now have to drive 15 minutes to get to the nearest store and pick up water bottles. The water company said they would send someone out to drill another well for me but I am not sure If I should get another well drilled because my brother has told me that it is from the oil company.

About ten minutes ago my brother said that the oil companies are shooting oil into my water supply or something like that. He calling it Faking or something like that. I personally am not a smart man and I believe the oil company has taken advantage of that fact. I have very few neighbors so I think I will be the only one to raise this issue over the Internets. I think It is wrong what the oil company is doing and would love to hear a way to get them back for this. My well is completely shot and they are the ones to blame apparently.

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Pat Hatt said... Reply To This Comment

If you could somehow prove for sure the dicks are to blame, which sounds like they are. Do what every other American does and sue, hit them in the wallet.

Tony Van Helsing said... Reply To This Comment

They call it fracking, they shoot water at high pressure into the ground to get at oil and gas, I believe. It would be worth getting in touch with your local authority or an environment agency.

Ruth said... Reply To This Comment

It's fracking and it can ruin wells. That's what the Keystone Pipeline is. Where it was set to go through could contaminate a huge water source for a lot of people.
That really sucks about the well.
None of the companies are going to admit fault.

Ruth said... Reply To This Comment

I meant what the problem with the pipeline is about.

BragonDorn said... Reply To This Comment

Oh I am just so mad right now. If I had a bat I would hit it with my bat! I am going to call oil companies all night and scream profusely.

confictushome said... Reply To This Comment

I'd go with sue brother.

Bill Pliskin said... Reply To This Comment

"He calling it Faking"

Contact a lawyer and see what they can do for you. If you get rich, don't forget the little people (us)!!!

Al Penwasser said... Reply To This Comment

What Dreadnaught said!!

Natasha said... Reply To This Comment

That's terrible, I'd continue to badger the oil company or even your local water company until you get a proper answer. Otherwise send an angry letter to your local authorities and I agree with Dreadnaught. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the kind words by the way :) xxx

InfinitePlans said... Reply To This Comment

Sue, man! That's the main reason for living in America, right? :D

Astra said... Reply To This Comment

man, I would rage hard if that happened to my water. But then i would go get those gallons of water that are pretty cheap.

Taker said... Reply To This Comment

If i'ts really because of oil contamination, I would call your local news source, maybe they could help get your word out if they find the story interesting enough (and oil contaminating water supplies would be interesting imo)

Otherwise you can go to your local member or parliment and try to get their attention about it.

Anne Gallagher said... Reply To This Comment

First you need to have the well tested to see what contaminates are in it. Then you need to contact the environmental protection agency in your county to tell them what is going on. then you need to contact a lawyer to sue the living shit out of the oil company. You can sue for the contamination but they won't care, so you'll have to sue for damages. And those damages should contain a monetary value placed on a 500 gallon holding tank for the fresh water which you will now have to have hauled/brought in (because it sounds like you live out in the boonies) and that costs money you don't have and it's their fault. (If on the other hand, you can get water and sewer from the city, then sue for the monetary placed on that. And you want the sewer as well. ) As well as the holding tank, don't forget the plumber, the guy who has to dig the hole to put the tank, and more plumber to hook the tank to the house. Also, sue for at least 5 years of water for the holding tank. And don't forget to sue for your attorney fees.

There's no sense in digging for another well. It will never come back, if they keep fracking. And even if they stopped tomorrow, it will take at least 10 years for the well to run clear. And that's a loose estimate.

Alex D. said... Reply To This Comment

Light there equip on fire while they're away. Sound too extreme? I thought so too, just get a decent lawyer, and take their asses to court.

BragonDorn said... Reply To This Comment

@Anne Gallagher Thanks for the advice. I have been looking for an apartment in the city to move to until this is all sorted out. You can be sure that I will not go into the sunset without a fight! Sue Sue Sue Sue Sue!

G said... Reply To This Comment

Where there's a blame there's a claim...sue 'em

Mark said... Reply To This Comment

Ouch that sucks man. I hope you do get either your current well sorted or a new one.

professional failure said... Reply To This Comment

Sheh, man. Water bottles are more expensive than tap water. Feel sorry for you. Have you got a water filter at your place?

Leon Kennedy said... Reply To This Comment

has there been any hydrofracking in your area?

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Ohio is in the news for fracking. All over the world because I am in Mexico. Call a lawyer. They will know about the issue and if they dont, then call someone who does.

Normally the lawyer will take it from there. Ask if they would do it on consignment if you cant afford it, i.e., they get a part of your remedy dinero.

fraking is drilling and then pumping water and other chemicals into shale. they dig down and then horizontally and you never really know where they are at. Be careful, these companies have lawyers too and i am sure that they have contingency plans...

J Cosmo Newbery said... Reply To This Comment

Fracking atrocious!

Anthony Hopper said... Reply To This Comment

Have you found a company to test the water?

Xavier said... Reply To This Comment

Damn I'm really sorry to hear about that. I mean I have well water too, and it's general quality isn't great by any stretch. We can't drink it because it's so bad, but at least it's clear! Hope you get everything sorted out.

Jaclyn said... Reply To This Comment

Are you serious? Forget about money...that could be a serious health risk! Who knows how long the oil has been there. It just now reached a point where you can see it. I would get to the bottom of it. I wish you the best with this...keep us posted!!

Teddi said... Reply To This Comment

your mom couldn't have listened to chevelle's newest album 2 christmas' ago because it was released on dec 6, 2011. maybe you have it confused with another chevelle album?

McBama said... Reply To This Comment

Blame Obama. His socialist legislature has apparently poisoned your water and put your health at risk. Just don't let the EPA commie thugs get wind of it- before you know it, they'll confiscate your house and all you'll be living in a FEMA concentration camp!

Brian Miller said... Reply To This Comment

i bet rich republicans water is clean...they can afford it with tax rates lower than the middle class...smiles.

sorry got sidetracked by the previous commentor...that sucks there anything they can do?

Shannon Lawrence said... Reply To This Comment

I'm sorry; that really sucks. I wish I had advice for you, but I have no idea what to do. This is the kind of stuff they shouldn't be able to do anymore. I hope you can find a lawyer who will work for a portion of proceeds.

BragonDorn said... Reply To This Comment

@Teddi Vena Sera

Lord Phrozen said... Reply To This Comment

I'm just glad that you noticed the water immediately before drinking it. It could have poisoned you on the spot. Water might have gone bad but at the very least you're still fine.

Villyne said... Reply To This Comment

I don't really know what to say that hasn't been said previously and, I dunno, I stopped by. I'll go now :(

T. Roger Thomas said... Reply To This Comment

That's disgusting - I say now is the time to start sending things in writing to everyone who is potentially involved, i.e. the city, county, etc. Keep copies of everything you send and receive in response.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I'm sorry this is happening to you. I agree with the suggestions in previous comments. This is both a burden and a hazard.

Symdaddy said... Reply To This Comment

Sue for EVERYTHING including (if you own the land) theft of your oil!

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

You should really consult some professional person regarding this. And take matter forward. take the lead.


Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Oh dear god, Fracking...

There is really nothing you can do, you're going to have to start buying a shit ton of bottled water as the water table has been polluted from whatever the crap they put into the ground.

Oh the plus side, you can ignite your water.

Fracking is exempted from the Clean Air Act (is that what they call it?). No you can't sue, cause you can't prove they did it, showing whatever chemicals is in there is pointless as you don't even know what they put in the ground in the first place (protected industrial secrets... lol).

JOutlaw said... Reply To This Comment

If this is the oil company, and you are able to provide some form of proof of it, then I'd threaten them with making it public with the newspapers unless they resolved it.

Most big companies are terrified of bad press, especially when it comes across as them bullying the local residencies. They should try and sort it out. If not, then go public with it with the major news companies and then watch them squirm and make it better again afterwards.

Games All Day said... Reply To This Comment

You could get some nice cash from this, so it's not so bad

DEZMOND said... Reply To This Comment

maybe they find oil in your yard when they start drilling the new well :) Don't forget me if you become an oil magnate :)

Alucard0691 said... Reply To This Comment

Wow, that really sucks. I hope this gets sorted out.

crazyneo said... Reply To This Comment

Isn't this how Tremors starts?

HBrager said... Reply To This Comment

Thats so wrong...

A Beer for the Shower said... Reply To This Comment

Egads, man. Sorry to hear it. Brown water makes me nervous enough, but when it's coming out of the water tap instead of being flushed down the toilet...yikes.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Brown water could be a number of things, but I do agree with Pat Hatt, if it is the oil companies, sue the hell out of them.

zabuzar said... Reply To This Comment

sue them for moneyz
they have loats anyway, from all the price increase of fuel

SammyK said... Reply To This Comment

This same thing happened to my family. Fracking natural gas out of the Shale. The mining company agreed to pay for fixing the water up to a certain amount. get in touch with your local or municipal government, their lawyer, and get one for yourself that way you will have no problems getting this fixed quickly and without costing you much. good luck man!

Misha Gerrick said... Reply To This Comment

That's terrible! I hope you get this sorted out soon.

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said... Reply To This Comment

Oh, I'm sorry! What a pain..I hope the oil company will take responsibility!

DWei said... Reply To This Comment

Ugh, good job oil companies. Ruining perfectly good ground water. :\

Bersercules said... Reply To This Comment

Go to your neighbours and talk with them. Maybe get a class action lawsuit going!

Baur said... Reply To This Comment

DANG Sorry to hear that!!!! I hope you can get that fixed soon!

justjoe said... Reply To This Comment

That's terrible. :/ I hate oil companies.

Brian Miller said... Reply To This Comment

any progress on this yet?

Axis said... Reply To This Comment

Dude people all over the country are being affected by this. You gotta REALLY work to get any money from the oil companies; they make you jump through all kinds of hoops. Hope you get this sorted. Followed...

Shallee said... Reply To This Comment

Wow, that is infuriating! I'm sorry, I hope you figure out a way to get this fixed.

JiRa said... Reply To This Comment

I would say you need someone to come out and test the water and the land to see exactly what it is that's causing the problem. It could be that it's just an old or defunct well... or it could be that someone has poisoned the land. I hope you get it figured out soon... you can't live without water!!

DanRobitzski said... Reply To This Comment

jealous of your follower count, bro.

Scooter said... Reply To This Comment

LoL. Same. Following the blog though since it seems like author knows how to write and has interesting content!

No said... Reply To This Comment

I would be incredibly frustrated if I were you. Other people are saying you should sue, and I actually agree. No one should be treated that way.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said... Reply To This Comment

Yikes, I think I take running water for granted where I live. I hope your problem is sorted soon.

Liquid said... Reply To This Comment

Oil companies simply fucking everyone over, they control everything, interesting article
old follower ;)

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Tin foil hat mode: on.

Claire said... Reply To This Comment

oh man, that totally sucks! sorry to hear about your water. hope it gets resolved soon.

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

You know, I always found brown water to be rather tasty, but only when it comes out of a can marked with the words Coca Cola.

RCB said... Reply To This Comment

Are you sure you didn't accidentally struck oil, meaning you're rich now and you can but the bottle company itself... with water in it, too...

Shaw said... Reply To This Comment

Sounds more like their fraking for natural gas.
Either way, I would sue if I was you!

Content Hedgehog said... Reply To This Comment

Ugh, oil companies... ><

nmZ said... Reply To This Comment

I had the same problem a month ago... Nobody cares for the water man...

[[AguiLeons]] said... Reply To This Comment

beer can lol

Full-On-Forward said... Reply To This Comment

Grab the Bat--but go to the OIL COMPANY!!!


Jéanne said... Reply To This Comment

I truly hope it's not due to fracking! If you can prove that it is, report it to the EPA. I found this which might also shed a bit of light on your problem:

Many people in our area use borehole (well) water and complain that it turns brown after heavy rains because of seepage. It could also be that the well is collapsing and you may have to drill a new one. Find out who is in charge of your water utility and report it to them. It might be these guys:

My blog might appear to have disappeared, but it's because I changed my e mail. Click this comment to find it. Best of luck with your well. :)

JaeSunEx said... Reply To This Comment

wow that is messed up if the oil is the reason for it. that sucks man hope you can get it fixed soon

Cross said... Reply To This Comment


Jayanthy Kumaran said... Reply To This Comment

oooooooh....horrible..very sorry to hear ..
raise your hands together with all affected persons nearby for a solution..
Tasty Appetite

Ms. A said... Reply To This Comment

Sounds like you need Erin Brockovich.

Mystical said... Reply To This Comment

You're too funny. You kind of remind me of my physics teacher.

You have a well? o_O

I think your brother already told why this is happening to you. When I read the first sentence, my guess was karma, but you sound pretty harmless.

Just sue the oil crew and everything will be all right.

thesquirrels said... Reply To This Comment

I've been hearing about a lot of things like this, that's terrible.

Wendy said... Reply To This Comment

Oh my god, I'm so sorry to hear about your water! I'm on a well too and this is my absolute nightmare! Good luck!

Lord Phrozen said... Reply To This Comment

Just today I tried to brush my teeth but the water smelled kinda funny so I filled a bucket and the water is dark. Oh no! The pipes must be busted again.

annoymouse said... Reply To This Comment

I used to get brown water all the time before. I had to install a filter. You should do the same.

Pat Tillett said... Reply To This Comment

That really sucks! I hope you can get it taken care of soon. Or at least find out what the heck it is...

Steven Page said... Reply To This Comment

Well. I hope you resolve the problem soon.

Atley said... Reply To This Comment

holy cow man! fraking great. I sure hope you get to sue them if they are to blame for your well getting polluted.

Petar said... Reply To This Comment

this is not good :(

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